Our Team

© Ulrich Hoinkes
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hoinkes
Project coordinator
Professor Ulrich Hoinkes is a creative thinker who launches innovative and interdisciplinary projects. For more than ten years Hoinkes holds a professorship in linguistics and didactics at the Romance Language Institute of the University of Kiel, Germany. In 2013 he started with his team the initiative ‘Viducation’, a video project as an innovative teaching and learning environment. Students are asked to produce small video productions about scientific relevant topics of the discipline. Seven years later the experiences and networking via workshops and talks led to further development: The project Ed-In-Mov results. Next to his focus on teaching and learning methods, Prof. Dr. Hoinkes conducts research on the Anxiety Culture Project, a multidisciplinary and international research project concerning social threats and public education. For further information about the Anxiety Culture Project see: anxiety-culture.net

© Ronja Teschendorf
Ronja Teschendorf, B.A.
Project manager
Ronja Teschendorf studied French, Politics, Economics and Music for Secondary School Teaching at the University of Kiel and University of Flensburg, Germany. In 2022 she joined Prof. Dr. Hoinkes’ team in the Viducation Project. While studying in her Bachelor’s and Master’s programme she participated in several filmmaking projects and now contributes her experiences by coordinating the development of the Viducation course concept. She wrote her master thesis about the Ed-In-Mov Project, titled “Videomaking by Students in foreign language studies – development of an evaluation method for assessing short movies as examination performance”.

© Sarah Gauger
Sarah Gauger
Project assistant
Sarah Gauger studies German and Spanish for Secondary School Teaching at the University of Kiel, Germany. She also joined the Team of Prof. Dr. Hoinkes in the Viducation Project in april 2022 and works together with Lina Bonkewitz as a student research assistant by helping to coordinate the project.
Romanisches Seminar
der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hoinkes
Leibnizstraße 10, R. 114
D-24098 Kiel
Phone: +49 431 880 – 2265
Romanisches Seminar
der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Ronja Teschendorf
Leibnizstraße 10, R. 120
D-24098 Kiel
Phone: +49 431 880 – 2268